Disposal stations for motorhomes or campers

A brief guide to dealing with fresh, grey and waste water when camping In a camper or motorhome, you cook, brush your teeth, wash your hands, take a shower and sometimes you have to go to the toilet - if you have one in the vehicle at all! Fully equipped motorhomes have three different water tanks for this purpose. First and foremost, you need fresh water tanks, which [...]
You dare something, as a woman! #solofemalecamper

You dare to do something as a woman! #solofemalecamper Or on the subject of girls on the camper front aka vangirls I keep coming across the hashtag #solofemalecamper on social media. It's accompanied by romanticised pictures of pretty girls, lightly staffed, sitting in their campers decorated with fairy lights and cosy blankets, drinking a cup of camomile tea and gazing into the [...]